Taylor Cert

This quote was added by sillysad
Stop accepting all the false dichotomies that people take for granted, and you'll be one step closer to the truth. When there are decisions to be made, be decisive, but recognize the times when you don't have to choose between the options presented to you.

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penguino_beano 156.86 99.6%
user291759 155.49 99.2%
alliekarakosta 151.99 99.6%
jiggalee 148.51 94.8%
user975182 146.77 95.9%
toinfinity 145.59 96.6%
promethes 144.65 100%
user81230 141.44 99.2%
mrlazav 139.43 98.1%
rivendellis 138.68 100%

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user68438 95.45 93.9%
jessicadr818 78.96 97.3%
donoshea 67.95 87.4%