Itachi Uchiha

This quote was added by arber
If you want to know who you are... you must re-examine and acknowledge your true self. Those who cannot acknowledge themselves will fail... just like I did.

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user871724 156.09 90.7%
berryberryberry 150.02 96.3%
69buttpractice 149.92 98.7%
toinfinity 142.59 98.1%
violet12333 142.41 97.5%
user627603 137.58 90.7%
user975182 135.41 98.7%
keyherohero 134.77 95.1%
maplecrofte 133.92 100%
piikay 132.72 99.4%

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user386420 25.14 90.7%
puppy226 52.14 93.4%
user794286 30.58 96.3%