KID 1412

This quote was added by apristya
A thief is a very skilled artist in terms of stealing things, while the detective does nothing more than criticize him and search for his other faults.

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user47949 10 years, 6 months ago
karthikeyan 11 years, 7 months ago
awesome '

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ilovejujubee 149.99 100%
chrisjunlee 145.89 100%
tsukasa 145.39 100%
user70929 144.05 100%
carnmarth 140.89 100%
corey 140.70 100%
dreamsonfire 137.04 99.3%
thinkblot 126.21 98.1%
marchtoglory 125.27 95%

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maadj 71.93 94.4%
thecrazydane2 56.34 86.3%
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dante-didit 105.74 98.7%
strikeemblem 112.46 96.3%
kely 65.72 93.8%
tsquared76 70.42 92.6%
deeray42 69.79 95.6%