Dandelions - K.H Poems

This quote was added by aroot793
Not everyone can be a rose. Some may find roses a bit too prickly. Some may find roses a bit too red. Some may find roses a bit too fragile. And many would rather have a dandelion instead.

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user37933 158.86 98.9%
stormspirit97 152.60 98.9%
treemeister 148.50 96.9%
berryberryberry 145.94 97.9%
user939249 145.92 96.9%
u557051 144.52 100%
alex_orr 140.65 100%
gbzaid 139.02 100%
user88217 134.48 96.9%
venerated 131.66 98.9%

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noxbox 46.73 93.1%
jellyvanessa 84.25 95.4%
user107417 40.84 83.7%