Face the reality - GGEZY

This quote was added by kheng
There are many reasons to be here. First, you are so eager to improve your typing speed to aid you in your work or study. Second, you are typing just to avoid your responsibility for your work or study. Third, you are here to release stress. Here is a reminder: go back to your work or study after 5 games.

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kheng 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I have been warned by old self lol
weiahe 3 years, 5 months ago
Get out of my brain
masoodulhassan 4 years, 4 months ago
wOW whole of this so close to my situations.
user263163 6 years ago
magellan 6 years, 8 months ago
You're not the boss of me. >:[

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user606096 148.36 98.4%
am4sian 146.13 97.8%
duckthetruck 137.49 100%
berryberryberry 135.01 96.5%
wolfram 132.75 93.9%
zhengfeilong 132.11 97.5%
fishless 128.07 98.7%
heiga 125.86 97.8%
melvinsayshi 125.55 96.5%
xmaddockmark 125.09 97.8%

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kehe4 88.84 95.1%
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