There comes a time - Anonymous Tipper

This quote was added by user50837
There comes a time when we have to let go of certain things and people and move on because the reason we hadn't moved on was because we were being held down.

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user871724 188.57 95.7%
merigold 168.68 98.1%
hunterz1200 160.86 99.4%
zhengfeilong 158.44 98.7%
auqo 157.93 100%
u557051 157.20 95.7%
ejh1109 157.09 99.4%
gracekosten 155.00 96.9%
berryberryberry 152.92 96.3%
mothertrucker 150.84 100%

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wanna_be_typist 96.77 100%
cholloway526 93.81 94.0%
tsquared76 87.57 95.7%