Richard Savage

This quote was added by user73219
Anger is implanted in us as a sort of sting, to make us gnash with our teeth against the devil, to make us vehement against him, not to set us in array against each other.

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user37933 155.82 98.8%
seanasaur 155.45 100%
treemeister 149.13 97.7%
joshg2727 141.32 100%
wolfram 139.60 97.1%
am4sian 138.57 98.3%
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tundan 135.80 100%
bruins4777 135.27 100%
sampleboy 132.96 98.8%

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sterlingwolf 97.60 96.6%
lcous 40.97 96.1%
soymilk00 72.55 91.9%