
This quote was added by deadphoenix
The only constant in the game of life is the obscurity of the future, and it takes a determined individual to want to keep playing through and through.

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user871724 172.03 94.4%
ejh1109 159.03 100%
missarkansas 153.87 100%
wolfram 153.38 97.4%
glevion 152.99 100%
vmlm 149.69 100%
mothertrucker 149.22 98.1%
sampleboy 149.12 100%
user50054 148.21 100%
dweather 148.11 97.4%

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user102525 83.39 93.8%
yagoliz 107.10 98.1%
coateocali 56.61 90.4%