Move on - Yurianaah

This quote was added by uc491
Love is so beautiful but painful at the same time. It comes with tears, happiness, hate, smiles. But it's the most amazing feeling you will ever experience.

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oremus 6 years, 4 months ago
Love is not a feeling. Infatuation is a feeling. Love is a choice made manifest in actions.

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user871724 157.76 93.5%
auqo 150.62 100%
stormspirit97 148.44 98.1%
gotchu 148.24 100%
gordonlew 143.15 100%
jpadtyping 139.37 100%
jan_londen 138.81 100%
wwsalmon 137.83 99.4%
luxan 135.50 100%
ilovejujubee 135.24 99.4%

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kyle_w 92.26 89.1%
user100406 78.29 95.7%
bp.kuma 64.16 93.4%
user871724 157.76 93.5%