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Samuel LaFleur - Focus on the good.

[English] 4 hours, 12 minutes by rezai

It is so easy to wake up and think about all the things that will make your day worse. Whether it's the dreary weather or the upcoming test you have. Thinking about all the things that could go wrong brings down your mood even if there is no immediate reason for it to so, so sop thinking about all the bad that may or may not happen and start living every good moment in your day. It's nicer that way.
It is so easy to wake up and think about all the things that will make your day worse. Whether it's the dreary weather or the upcoming test you have. Thinking about all the things that could go wrong brings down your mood even if there is no immediate reason for it to do so, so stop thinking about all the bad that may or may not happen and start living every good moment in your day. It's nicer that way.

Random - Hope (part 1)

[English] 16 hours, 55 minutes by leopold_brown

The world we live in has been infected by a disease that no one can cure. A disease that has plagued humanity since the beginning of time. Everyday, men women, and children all around the world fight this sickness; they have been for centuries. This disease is called sin. Sin, the simple three lettered word that sends shivers up the spines of everyone no matter what you believe. But there is a cure.
The world we live in has been infected by a disease that no one can cure. A disease that has plagued humanity since the beginning of time. Every day, men women, and children all around the world fight this sickness; they have been for centuries. This disease is called sin. Sin, the simple three lettered word that sends shivers up the spines of everyone no matter what you believe. But there is a cure.

LilyPichu - Dreamy Nights

[English] 21 hours, 59 minutes by brian.a.roy

I am eyes closed I'm slowly falling, to the music and the atmosphere, Now and then I feel lights fading softly. All over my and I remember last year. When I was alone in my bed with all these thoughts in my head and living silently inside. It's so late in the night. My mind is drifting away, then i dream about times i wished for a new happier day. If a hand could reach out right now. And save my life somehow I'll face the sun again, as soon as this dreary night ends.
I am eyes closed I'm slowly falling, to the music and the atmosphere, now and then I feel lights fading softly. All over my and I remember last year. When I was alone in my bed with all these thoughts in my head and living silently inside. It's so late in the night. My mind is drifting away, then I dream about times I wished for a new happier day. If a hand could reach out right now and save my life somehow, I'll face the sun again as soon as this dreary night ends.

Jean-François Halin et Michel Hazanavicius - OSS 117 : Rio Ne Répond Plus - OSS 117 à Dolorès

[Français (French)] 1 day, 7 hours by ironherald

Dolorès, je vais être un petit peu brutal mais il m'est impossible de m'engager avec une femme. Avec moi, les histoires d'amour ne s'écrivent pas dans le temps, ce sont des histoires courtes, compactes, passionnelles. D'aucuns ont des aventures… Je suis une aventure.
Dolorès, je vais être un petit peu brutal mais il m'est impossible de m'engager avec une femme. Avec moi, les histoires d'amour ne s'écrivent pas dans le temps, ce sont des histoires courtes, compactes, passionnelles. D'aucuns ont des aventures... Je suis une aventure.

Rio818 - Typing in the Office

[English] 1 day, 22 hours by jessicadr818

I do my typing practice in my office when its slow. Sometimes I get on a roll and my time and accuracy is great... and then the phone rings. I have to quit in the middle of some of my best times so I can answer the phones. That's the worst.
I do my typing practice in my office when it's slow. Sometimes I get on a roll and my time and accuracy is great... and then the phone rings. I have to quit in the middle of some of my best times so I can answer the phones. That's the worst.

Madara Uchiha - Love and Hatred

[English] 2 days, 12 hours by avattavada

When you love someone you, you love with all you've got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep you ego and anger attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness and love.
When you love someone, you love with all you've got. You must learn to bear anger and hatred, set your ego and angry attitude aside, and handle things with care, calmness, and love.

Bob Marley

[English] 2 days, 14 hours by avattavada

Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. wake up and live!
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision into reality. Wake up and live!

Blande Gardin

[Français (French)] 2 days, 22 hours by dcb87

C'est triste globalement de revenir sur le marché de la séduction à 37 balais. Y'a plus trop de romantisme, c'est terminé. On cherche plus l'âme sœur, on cherche l'âme seule, s'il en reste...
C'est triste globalement de revenir sur le marché de la séduction à 37 balais. Y a plus trop de romantisme, c'est terminé. On cherche plus l'âme sœur, on cherche l'âme seule, s'il en reste...

Zaden Cook - fastest WPM test

[English] 2 days, 23 hours by truewpm

In the amount of time it takes you to type this, you could be outside the building you're in. You are acctually typing slower than you think. If you are typing 60 words per minute, you are only typing one word a second. That is an interesting fact for you to know.
In the amount of time it takes you to type this, you could be outside the building you're in. You are actually typing slower than you think. If you are typing 60 words per minute, you are only typing one word a second. That is an interesting fact for you to know.

Salma Mabrukah - Tujuan hidup

[Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)] 3 days, 6 hours by rsaptoh

Apakah hidup ini untuk bahagia? Apakah hidup ini untuk bersenang-senang? Atau hidup ini untuk santai-santai saja? Atau hidup untuk bekerja keras menghidupi diri sendiri dan orang-orang yang disayang? Tentu definisi hidup setiap orang berbeda-beda dan tidak bisa disamaratakan. Namun menurutku, apapun yang saya kerjakan dalam hidup ini, muaranya adalah bermanfaat untuk orang lain maupun makhuk hidup lain.
Apakah hidup ini untuk bahagia? Apakah hidup ini untuk bersenang-senang? Atau hidup ini untuk santai-santai saja? Atau hidup untuk bekerja keras menghidupi diri sendiri dan orang-orang yang disayang? Tentu definisi hidup setiap orang berbeda-beda dan tidak bisa disamaratakan. Namun menurutku, apapun yang saya kerjakan dalam hidup ini, muaranya adalah bermanfaat untuk orang lain maupun makhluk hidup lain.

easylvk1t4s - aveces

[Español (Spanish)] 3 days, 15 hours by morango83

A veces lo que mas quiero es conservar tu recuerdo. Pero cada vez que te pienso caigo profundo, en tus recuerdos. Y tus recuerdos queman, como el fuego que hubo una vez, entre nosotros.
A veces lo que más quiero es conservar tu recuerdo. Pero cada vez que te pienso caigo profundo, en tus recuerdos. Y tus recuerdos queman, como el fuego que hubo una vez, entre nosotros.

Anonymous - Sticking with clichés ➔ Anonymous - Sticking with clichés

[English] 3 days, 17 hours by jessicadr818

I appreciate uniqueness and out of the box thinking in tv series that I watch as much as the next guy but sometimes it ruins things . In an effort to appear meaningful or intelligent shows become obscure only making 'sense' to diehard fans with the rest trying to understand the hype around it. Sometimes old is gold.
I appreciate uniqueness and out of the box thinking in tv series that I watch as much as the next guy but sometimes it ruins things. In an effort to appear meaningful or intelligent shows become obscure only making 'sense' to diehard fans with the rest trying to understand the hype around it. Sometimes old is gold.

Mohammed Asadi - How to think if yourself!

[English] 3 days, 20 hours by truewpm

I believe, I should keep thinking less of myself. I used to listen to those who keep telling you to think big and great of yourself. And, I did that for quite some time. It did make me feel good, and myself confidence has been improved. But, this approach made my blind of my bah behavior with others. Now I keep blaming myself for any minor or major bad behavior with others. I don't sleep well an night when I un-intentionally harm someone. Hence, thinking less of myself makes be better person.
I believe I should keep thinking less of myself. I used to listen to those who keep telling you to think big and great of yourself. And I did that for quite some time. It did make me feel good, and myself confidence has improved. But this approach made my blind of my bad behavior with others. Now I keep blaming myself for any minor or major bad behavior with others. I don't sleep well at night when I un-intentionally harm someone. Hence, thinking less of myself makes be better person.

Inderjeet Singh - Typing

[English] 3 days, 23 hours by jrmquitless

For typing you need to do at least two hours daily here on computer daily means daily Practice is only key to type faster and keep regularly till the day you attain your goal and after that you can take breaks in between so all the best for learners.
For typing, you need to do at least two hours daily here on the computer. Daily means daily. Practice is the only key to typing faster. Keep practicing regularly until the day you attain your goal. After that, you can take breaks in between. All the best for you, learners.

ahzzzzz - this is very easy

[English] 3 days, 23 hours by jrmquitless

As you are typing this, you are progressing very quickly, unless you can't touch type. If you are one of those people, you should learn how to touch type. You can improve drastically just by learning. Within a few months, I improved by 40 WPM just by touch typing. If you are already this far in, you are doing good. You will soon become a professional typist. Good luck, and have fun learning if you haven't already.
As you are typing this, you are progressing very quickly, unless you can't touch type. If you are one of those people, you should learn how to touch type. You can improve drastically just by learning. Within a few months, I improved by 40 WPM just by touch typing. If you are already this far in, you are doing well. You will soon become a professional typist. Good luck, and have fun learning if you haven't already.

Bill the Butcher - Bill the Butcher ➔ Bill the Butcher - Gangs of New York

[English] 4 days by billsrul120

We hold in our hearts the memory of our fallen brothers whose blood stains the very streets we walk today. Also on this night we pay tribute to the leader of our enemies, an honorable man, who crossed over bravely, fighting for what he believed in. To defeat my enemy, I extinguish his life, and consume him as I consume these flames. In honor of Priest Vallon.
We hold in our hearts the memory of our fallen brothers whose blood stains the very streets we walk today. Also on this night we pay tribute to the leader of our enemies, an honorable man, who crossed over bravely, fighting for what he believed in. To defeat my enemy, I extinguish his life, and consume him as I consume these flames. In honor of Priest Vallon.

The Protomen - Hope Rides Alone (Intro)

[English] 4 days, 5 hours by 240p

No one was left who could remember how it had happened. How the world had fallen under darkness. At least no one who could do anything. No one who would oppose the robots. No one who would challenge their power. Or so Dr. Wily believed...
No one was left who could remember how it had happened. How the world had fallen under darkness. At least no one who would do anything. No one who would oppose the robots. No one who would challenge their power. Or so Dr. Wily believed...

fuller - 3 more safety principles ➔ fuller - 3 more safety principles

[English] 4 days, 17 hours by jessicadr818

Keep your finger off the trigger and on the receiver until your sights are on the target and you have decided to fire; and Be sure of your target. ( know what it is, what is in line with it and what is behind it. Never fire at anything you have not postivily identified).
Keep your finger off the trigger and on the receiver until your sights are on the target and you have decided to fire; and Be sure of your target. (know what it is, what is in line with it and what is behind it. Never fire at anything you have not positively identified).

Your Mother - Get Good Gaming

[English] 4 days, 22 hours by avattavada

If you practice a lot, you can achieve anything. I have done so with everything I care for, and the result has been that I am proficient in many things, proving useful for as long as I live. Also get good gaming because we have got to get sponge bob back.
If you practice a lot, you can achieve anything. I have done so with everything I care for, and as a result, I am proficient in many things, proving useful for as long as I live. Also, get good gaming because we have got to get Sponge Bob back.

Director: Lucy Walker - Countdown to Zero (documentary film)

[English] 5 days by jrmquitless

Every man woman and child, lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment, by accident, or miscalculation, or by madness.
Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment, by accident, or miscalculation, or by madness.

Khiara Cho - The Sadness Approached ➔ Khiara Cho - The Sadness Approached

[English] 5 days by jrmquitless

I closed my eyes to hard to think to hard to get my mind of what i am feeling. My tummy gets sour, my ears tear up the sadness is near. I am going to make i say to my self but there is always on 'doubt near.
I closed my eyes - too hard to think, too hard to get my mind off of what I am feeling. My tummy gets sour. My ears tear up. The sadness is near. "I am going to make it," I say to myself, but there is always doubt near.

SatoruGojo - Kratos a Zeus ➔ God of War III - Kratos a Zeus

[Español (Spanish)] 5 days, 5 hours by satorugojo

Las zarpas de la muerte no me vencieron, las hermanas del destino no me retuvieron, y tú, padre, ¡no verás el final de este día porque hoy voy a vengarme!
Las zarpas de la muerte no me vencieron, las hermanas del destino no me retuvieron, y tú, padre, ¡no verás el final de este día porque hoy voy a vengarme!

Aristóteles - Ética a Nicómaco ➔ Aristóteles - Ética a Nicómaco (fragmento)

[Español (Spanish)] 5 days, 15 hours by morango83

... Pero digo, que si la felicidad no nos la envían exclusivamente los dioses, sino que la obtenemos por la práctica de la virtud, mediante un largo aprendizaje o una lucha constante, no por eso deja de ser una de las cosas más divinas de nuestro mundo.
... Pero digo, que si la felicidad no nos la envían exclusivamente los dioses, sino que la obtenemos por la práctica de la virtud, mediante un largo aprendizaje o una lucha constante, no por eso deja de ser una de las cosas más divinas de nuestro mundo.

Miss. Pate - friends/enemies

[English] 5 days, 18 hours by avattavada

You live, and you learn. Everyone don't want to see you succeed. They cheer you on, but don't want to see you doing better then them. These type of people are not your friend's! They're your uncover enemies!
You live, and you learn. Everyone don't want to see you succeed. They cheer you on but don't want to see you doing better than them. These type of people are not your friends! They're your undercover enemies!

Sam Santos - give it a try

[English] 5 days, 18 hours by avattavada

As I always say to my self, that motivates me is; "You will never know what you are capable of doing if you never dared to try..." because there is no harm on trying. That's life! You can't go on or move forward with out trying.
As I always say to myself, what motivates me is; "You will never know what you are capable of doing if you never dared to try..." because there is no harm in trying. That's life! You can't go on or move forward without trying.

Max Lucado - You are special ➔ Max Lucado - You are special

[English] 5 days, 18 hours by avattavada

"You will understand but it take time. You've got a lot of marks. For now, just come to see me everyday and let me remind you how much I care." You are special.
"You will understand but it takes time. You've got a lot of marks. For now, just come to see me every day, and let me remind you how much I care." You are special.

Unknown - A Persian Saying of the Turk

[English] 5 days, 18 hours by avattavada

"The path of a Turk leaves no grass." Offered merely at face-value, you won't find this quote anywhere- it is part of oral tradition, and thus quite rare.
"The path of a Turk leaves no grass." Offered merely at face value, you won't find this quote anywhere - it is part of oral tradition, and thus quite rare.

Jay Asher - Hope - 13 Reasons Why

[English] 5 days, 19 hours by snow94

Maybe it didn't seem like a bid deal to you Zach. But now, I hope you understand. My world was collapsing. I needed those notes. I needed any hope those notes might have offered. And you? You took that hope away. You decided I didn't deserve to have it.
Maybe it didn't seem like a big deal to you Zach. But now, I hope you understand. My world was collapsing. I needed those notes. I needed any hope those notes might have offered. And you? You took that hope away. You decided I didn't deserve to have it.

A Computer Security professor

[English] 5 days, 20 hours by root

I once attended a Computer Security class, in which my professor gave an important life lesson. He said: "Thinking that Computer Security is useless because attackers 'will break in the system anyway' is the worst approach you could have. The only way in which attackers cannot break in a system is by making the system invulnerable, which is impossible. You just have to make it hard enough for the attacker."
I once attended a Computer Security class, in which my professor gave an important life lesson. He said: "Thinking that Computer Security is useless because attackers will break in the system anyway is the worst approach you could have. The only way in which attackers cannot break in a system is by making the system invulnerable, which is impossible. You just have to make it hard enough for the attacker."

Bruce Lee - Be Like Water

[English] 5 days, 22 hours by jrmquitless

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

Anonymous - Triangulum The Friendly Triangle Part 6 ➔ Anonymous - Triangulum The Friendly Triangle Part 6

[English] 6 days by jrmquitless

Steven found himself unable to speak and unable to hold his tears back, A choking sensation crept up his throat as he wept uncontrollably. Steven was young, only 13 years old, and he had always been a good little triangle; he always did what his family told him. "What is your wish?, it can be anything, and after a day of sacrifices and blood letting for the gods it will be yours" Charles said trying to ignore the pathetic sight of this child's weeping.
Steven found himself unable to speak and unable to hold his tears back. A choking sensation crept up his throat as he wept uncontrollably. Steven was young, only 13 years old, and he had always been a good little triangle; he always did what his family told him. "What is your wish? It can be anything, and after a day of sacrifices and blood letting for the gods, it will be yours," Charles said, trying to ignore the pathetic sight of this child's weeping.

Serhii Cho - Are you listening music right now?

[English] 6 days, 1 hour by snow94

I am curious, how many people are listening music while they are typing this quote? If you are listening some sort of music right now then do me a favor and upvote this quote. If you are not listening music then downvote this. And we can see the data after a while.
I am curious, how many people are listening to music while they are typing this quote? If you are listening to some sort of music right now then do me a favor and upvote this quote. If you are not listening to music then downvote this. And we can see the data after a while.

Longchen Rabjam - Cut off attachments

[English] 6 days, 2 hours by memory_allocation

Although other (yānas) assert that liberation will be achieved by renouncing the objects, one will not be bound by the mere appearances or the mind and the objects (Yul Dang Ch'os-Su sNang-Ba), but will be bound if one attaches (Zhen-Pa) to them. So it is taught (in scriptures) that one should renounce apprehension and attachment. Tilopā said: 'Appearances do not bind, but attachments do. So, Nāropa, cut off the attachments...
Although other (yanas) assert that liberation will be achieved by renouncing the objects, one will not be bound by the mere appearances or the mind and the objects (Yul Dang Ch'os-Su sNang-Ba), but will be bound if one attaches (Zhen-Pa) to them. So it is taught (in scriptures) that one should renounce apprehension and attachment. Tilopa said: 'Appearances do not bind, but attachments do. So, Naropa, cut off the attachments...

Brent - Try stopping me now!

[English] 6 days, 15 hours by avattavada

Some people try to stop me but now they can't because I have become Immortal I am the one who can't be stopped no one can stop me now I am in a new life or also known as a new account on gmail.
Some people try to stop me but now they can't because I have become immortal I am the one who can't be stopped no one can stop me now I am in a new life or also known as a new account on gmail.

Krystal Gerrish

[English] 6 days, 15 hours by queenrita124

One bright day, in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back, the faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf police-man heard the noise, and came to kill those two dead boys. Now if you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.
One bright day, in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back, they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf police-man heard the noise, and came to kill those two dead boys. Now if you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.

Michael T. - Life

[English] 6 days, 15 hours by dcb87

When we challenge our self's everyday. We put uncountable amonuts of effort into our life and what do we get in return so many rewards . So Live life at the fullest and always expect and reward in return Namaste.
When we challenge ourselves everyday, we put uncountable amounts of effort into our life, and what do we get in return? So many rewards. So Live life at the fullest and always expect a reward in return. Namaste.

Jordan Peterson

[English] 6 days, 19 hours by puppy226

There are two major reasons for resentment: being taken advantage of (or allowing yourself to be taken advatage of). Or whiny refusal to adopt responsibility and grow up.
There are two major reasons for resentment: being taken advantage of (or allowing yourself to be taken advantage of). Or whiny refusal to adopt responsibility and grow up.

Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet

[English] 1 week, 1 day by avattavada

This love that thou hast shown Doth add more grief to too much of mine own. Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes; Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.
This love that thou hast shown doth add more grief to too much of mine own. Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes; Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall, and a preserving sweet.


[English] 1 week, 1 day by avattavada

Satan wants us to be dependent on other people and other things. Because when we are dependent on the government, on drugs, on alcohol, ect. we lose our freedoms and these things control us.
Satan wants us to be dependent on other people and other things. When we are dependent on the government, on drugs, on alcohol, etc. we lose our freedoms and these things control us.

Forever Onealia - Words

[English] 1 week, 1 day by dcb87

But it's sad to me that so many people over use the words forever, love, awesome and so many more, when those are really some of the strongest words out there. Forever doesn't just mean 2 days or 2 weeks, forever means forever. And love is not just a like for something. Love is such a powerful word. And awesome doesn't just mean cool.
But it's sad to me that so many people overuse the words forever, love, awesome and so many more, when those are really some of the strongest words out there. Forever doesn't just mean 2 days or 2 weeks, forever means forever. And love is not just a like for something. Love is such a powerful word. And awesome doesn't just mean cool.

some guy in a jacket - History

[English] 1 week, 2 days by avattavada

We should be proud of what makes Britain today. Thanks to our history, we have shaped the world. If it wasn't for the invention of the bike, how else would we get tax free public travel? without the past, we wouldn't have transport, education or modern day miracles. we salute the past.
We should be proud of what makes Britain today. Thanks to our history, we have shaped the world. If it wasn't for the invention of the bike, how else would we get tax-free public travel? Without the past, we wouldn't have transport, education, or modern-day miracles. We salute the past.

Samiya Jenkins - Karen This and that

[English] 1 week, 2 days by zalyx

It's not that hard and your kids vaccinated if you keep them from children. At least tell their parents because you will cause that child to get sick. If they can't get the vaccine . They need that on you because of 2020-2021 the world is going down hill.
It's not that hard and your kids vaccinated if you keep them from children. At least tell their parents because you will cause that child to get sick. If they can't get the vaccine. They need that on you because of 2020-2021 the world is going down hill.

Bryan G - Speed Typing

[English] 1 week, 2 days by dcb87

Is it only me or does everyone skips every quote that was typed under the speed average? Well actually, I do. I only finish typing quotes if it's above my average, and skips every quote that's under.
Is it only me or does everyone skip every quote that was typed under the speed average? Well actually, I do. I only finish typing quotes if it's above my average, and skip every quote that's under.

Peter Pan

[English] 1 week, 2 days by dcb87

You know that place btwetween sleep and awake? That place whewrre you still remember dreaming? That's where iI'll always love you, that's where I'll be waiting.
You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, that's where I'll be waiting.

Claudia - Life

[English] 1 week, 3 days by jrmquitless

Life is a long lesson in humility. As long as you live, keep learning how to live. People say life is too short. But life is long. And it is the long run that balances the short flare of interest and passion. Life takes unexpected turns, and we don't always have the time we think we have. Live life with the three E's: Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, and the three F's: Faith, Family, Friends. Be a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for.
Life is a long lesson in humility. As long as you live, keep learning how to live. People say life is too short. But life is long. And it is the long run that balances the short flare of interest and passion. Life takes unexpected turns, and we don't always have the time we think we have. Live life with the three Es: Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, and the three Fs: Faith, Family, Friends. Be a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for.

Somos tu y yo - Quisiera

[Español (Spanish)] 1 week, 3 days by franlael

Quisiera que me vieras y descubrieras que solo un murmullo me haría feliz, quisiera que me dieras una sonrisa y poder sentir, que estoy cerca de ti. Quisiera, que quisieras quererme, olvidarme para siempre y de tu mano andar; quisiera que quisieras quereme, y el primer beso me dieras. Eso quiera.
Quisiera que me vieras y descubrieras que solo un murmullo me haría feliz, quisiera que me dieras una sonrisa y poder sentir, que estoy cerca de ti. Quisiera, que quisieras quererme, olvidarme para siempre y de tu mano andar; quisiera que quisieras quererme, y el primer beso me dieras. Eso quiera.

Don Quichotte do Flamingo - La Justice - One Piece

[Français (French)] 1 week, 3 days by user104249

Les pirates sont méchants ? Les Marines sont justes ? Ces termes ont toujours changé au cours de l'histoire ! Les enfants qui n'ont jamais vu la paix et les enfants qui n'ont jamais vu la guerre ont des valeurs différentes ! Ceux qui se trouvent au sommet déterminent ce qui ne va pas et ce qui est bien ! Cet endroit est un terrain neutre ! La justice prévaudra, dites-vous ? Mais bien sûr, ce sera le cas ! Celui qui gagne cette guerre devient justice !
Les pirates ce serait le mal ? La marine, la justice ? Les valeurs ça va, ça vient, ça a déjà changé tellement de fois ! Il y a des gamins qui n'ont jamais connus la paix, et d'autres qui n'ont jamais connus la guerre. Comment veux-tu qu'ils aient les mêmes valeurs ? Ce sont ceux qui se tiennent au sommet qui définissent ce qu'est le bien et le mal ! C'est pour ça qu'on est en pleine zone neutre. La justice vaincra-t-elle ? Bien sûr que oui ! Parce-que la justice n'appartient qu'aux vainqueurs !

Zalium - Is it just me?

[English] 1 week, 3 days by zalyx

I shouldn't be expected to remain calm while being told how many times I don't contribute to a household's chores. I shouldn't have to sut there and stay silent while I die inside.
I shouldn't be expected to remain calm while being told how many times I don't contribute to a household's chores. I shouldn't have to sit there and stay silent while I die inside.

Robin Williams. - Dead Poet Society.

[English] 1 week, 3 days by avattavada

Where that line in dead poet society movie, when Robbin Williams tells us if course that science, medicine, law, engineering, business, mathematics, these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, love, romance, art, these the things what we say alive for.
There is that line in Dead Poets Society, when Robbin Williams tells us of course science, medicine, law, engineering, business, and mathematics are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, love, romance, and art; these are the things that we stay alive for.

Thomas Ligotti - The Tsalal

[English] 1 week, 4 days by jrmquitless

Soon enough the wrenching effect of this psychic immobility became far less tolerable than the prospect of simply giving up and staying in the town. Such was the case with at least one of these cataleptic puppets, a sticklike woman who said, 'We have no choice. He has stayed in his house.' Then another voice among them shouted, 'He has stayed too long.'.
Soon enough the wrenching effect of this psychic immobility became far less tolerable than the prospect of simply giving up and staying in the town. Such was the case with at least one of these cataleptic puppets, a sticklike woman who said, "We have no choice. He has stayed in his house." Then another voice among them shouted, "He has stayed too long."

Its only me - nothing

[English] 1 week, 4 days by arko

I feared death for I achieved nothing. Seeing other people rising where I'm still nothing. My life is wasted for i do nothing. I weared clothes but i feel nothing and one thing for sure I will die with nothing, so you start do anything so will gain something or else you will end up with me living in nothing!
I feared death for I achieved nothing. Seeing other people rising where I'm still nothing. My life is wasted for I do nothing. I wore clothes but I feel nothing and one thing for sure I will die with nothing, so you start do anything so will gain something or else you will end up with me living in nothing!

Magandaako - Broken

[English] 1 week, 4 days by dcb87

When I first saw you, I never though that I will fall in love with you. Days pass we became friends and love each other everyday. Until the end you stop and loving me, that's the time my heart broke :(.
When I first saw you, I never thought that I will fall in love with you. Days passed we became friends and loved each other every day. Until the end you stopped loving me, that's the time my heart broke :(.

Unknown - Your Not Fine

[English] 1 week, 4 days by dcb87

When they ask you how you are and you just have to say that your fine, when your not fine and you can never get into because they would never understand.
When they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not fine and you can never get into because they would never understand.

Tori :) - Keep trying

[English] 1 week, 4 days by stardustraven

The grass isn't always greener on the other side, Things won't always get better if you don't try. You will only get somewhere if you try. So, keep trying, kiddos.
The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Things won't always get better if you don't try. You will only get somewhere if you try. So, keep trying, kiddos.

C.S .Lewis - A day with the Beavers

[English] 1 week, 4 days by stardustraven

No one except Edumnds felt any difficulty about trusting the beaver now, and everyone,including, Edmunds, was very glad to hear the word "dinner." They therefore all hurried along behind their new friend who led them at a surprisingly quick pace, and always in the thickest parts of the forest, for over an hour. Everyone was feeling very tired and very hungry when suddenly the trees began to get thinner in front of them and the ground to fall steeply downhill.
No one except Edmund felt any difficulty about trusting the beaver now, and everyone, including, Edmund, was very glad to hear the word "dinner." They therefore all hurried along behind their new friend who led them at a surprisingly quick pace, and always in the thickest parts of the forest, for over an hour. Everyone was feeling very tired and very hungry when suddenly the trees began to get thinner in front of them and the ground to fall steeply downhill. - Typing Test benefits

[English] 1 week, 4 days by rivendellis

Typing is an important skill for anyone using a computer. The more comfortable you are typing, the more your can focus on what you are working on. Slow typing and fixing typing errors moves your attention away from what you are trying to achieving (writing an email, filling some form...). Use this advanced typing test to discover how well you type. We have test material in more that 15 languages.
Typing is an important skill for anyone using a computer. The more comfortable you are typing, the more you can focus on what you are working on. Slow typing and fixing typing errors moves your attention away from what you are trying to achieve (writing an email, filling some form...). Use this advanced typing test to discover how well you type. We have test material in more than 15 languages.

Justin Bieber

[English] 1 week, 4 days by avattavada

My world got very bug, very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples from the past, a lot of people expect me to get lost in it. But everybody still treats me the same as always. Im a proud canadian and I hope that comes through in everything I do.
My world got very big, very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples from the past, a lot of people expected me to get lost in it. But everybody still treats me the same as always. I'm a proud Canadian and I hope that comes through in everything I do.

Somos tu y yo - Si tu no estás

[Español (Spanish)] 1 week, 5 days by morango83

A veces, solo quiero volver al pasado, y andar por el mundo con tu mano y mi mano; a veces solo a veces... Si tú no estás más junto a mí, ya no sabré como vivir sin... Si tú no estás mi corazón, ya no sabra como latir sin ti. Si tú no estás, más junto a mi, ya no sabre, como seguir... Si tú no estás, ya no hay más nada, y tengo nada, porque soy nada sin ti.
A veces, solo quiero volver al pasado y andar por el mundo con tu mano en mi mano, a veces, solo a veces. Si tú no estás más junto a mí, ya no sabré cómo vivir sin ti. Si tu no estás, mi corazón ya no sabrá cómo latir sin ti. Si tú no estás más junto a mí, ya no sabré cómo seguir. Si tú no estás, ya no hay más nada ni tengo nada, porque soy nada sin ti.

A simple Welshman - I hate American "English"

[English] 1 week, 5 days by classiereagle

I hate American "English." Like why is realise "realize" or colour "color." And for the love of God, why is a simple tap a "faucet"? It just doesn't make any sense to a simple Welshman like myself.
I hate American "English". Like why is realise "realize" or colour "color". And for the love of God, why is a simple tap a "faucet"? It just doesn't make any sense to a simple Welshman like myself.

Roger Pol Droit - Vivre aujourd'hui avec Socrate, Épicure, Sénèque et les autres

[Français (French)] 1 week, 5 days by jvh-be

Un directeur des ressources humaines, un entrepreneur, un ingénieur, un commercial pourraient certainement tirer profit - chaque jour !! - des tragédies de Sophocle, de la morale d'Épicure ou des stratégies de la guerre du Péloponnèse - tout autant, sinon plus, que de trigonométrie et de calcul des dérivés.
Un directeur des ressources humaines, un entrepreneur, un ingénieur, un commercial pourraient certainement tirer profit - chaque jour !! - des tragédies de Sophocle, de la morale d'Épicure ou des stratégies de la guerre du Péloponnèse - tout autant, sinon plus, que de trigonométrie et de calcul des dérivées.

5 Seconds of Summer - Want You Back

[English] 1 week, 5 days by user380742

I remember the freckles on your back and the way that I used to make you laugh, cause you know every morning I wake up, yeah, I still reach for you, I remember the roses on your shirt when you told me this would never work, you know even when I say I moved on, yeah, I still dream for you, no matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back.
Psychoanalytic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a framework for understanding human behavior and personality. It posits that much of human behavior is driven by unconscious motivations and desires, often stemming from early childhood experiences. Freud proposed that the mind is divided into three parts: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.

Abdul Kalam ➔ Abdul Kalam

[English] 1 week, 5 days by avattavada

India should walk on her own shadow - we must have our own development model. Developing nations want to become developed nations. I love the sea. India can live without nuclear weapons. That's our dream, and it should be the dream of the US. also.
India should walk on her own shadow - we must have our own development model. Developing nations want to become developed nations. I love the sea. India can live without nuclear weapons. That's our dream, and it should be the dream of the US, also.


[English] 1 week, 5 days by vilelikefire

Typing short quotes from random people are very fun and exciting but, it would be nice to get some numbers to practice as well. Such as one, two, three... I'm kidding. Like 1, 2, or 3.
Typing short quotes from random people are very fun and exciting, but it would be nice to get some numbers to practice as well. Such as one, two, three... I'm kidding. Like 1, 2, or 3.

XTale - Why you shouldn't skip a quote.

[English] 1 week, 5 days by user957071

If you skip a quote and go for the short ones, you will only be able to type short amount of sentences a day! Imagine, you are writing an essay for your teachers and then hand in a paragraph when you are supposed to hand in 4 paragraphs. "My hands were tired." You think anyone's gonna take that excuse? If you do, give up on typing. No ones gonna take that. You're not gonna have any job if you don't know how to type like a pro. So finish this quote.
If you skip a quote and go for the short ones, you will only be able to type short amount of sentences a day! Imagine, you are writing an essay for your teachers and then hand in a paragraph when you are supposed to hand in 4. "My hands were tired." You think anyone's gonna take that excuse? If you do, give up on typing. No ones gonna take that. You're not gonna have any job if you don't know how to type like a pro. So finish this quote. - Person who can't even type a complete sentence

Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars

[English] 1 week, 6 days by avattavada

Indeed, the most giddy of high school cheerleaders, say, managing to be friendly with everyone and therefore universally popular, seemed to Sax to be exercising an intelligence at least as powerful as any awkward brilliant mathematician's- the calculus of human interaction being so much more subtle and variable than any physics.
Indeed, the giddiest of high school cheerleaders, say, managing to be friendly with everyone and therefore universally popular, seemed to Sax to be exercising an intelligence at least as powerful as any awkward brilliant mathematician's - the calculus of human interaction is so much more subtle and variable than any physics.

Jamie Wilson - Deep Roots

[English] 1 week, 6 days by avattavada

When your roots are deep, there's no reason to fear the wind. Be fearless in the pursuit in what sets your soul afire. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hand on. - Franklin Roosevelt Make today an adventure.
When your roots are deep, there's no reason to fear the wind. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul afire. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. - Franklin Roosevelt Make Today an Adventure.

শাহিদুল হক - প্যানগ্রাম বা শুক্তিবাক্য

[বাংলা (Bengali)] 1 week, 6 days by arko

ঊনিশে কার্তিক রাত্র সাড়ে আট ঘটিকায় ভৈরবনিবাসী ব্যাংকের ক্ষুদ্র ঋণগ্রস্ত অভাবী দুঃস্থ পৌঢ় কৃষক এজাজ মিঞা হাতের কাছে ঔষধ থাকিতেও ঐ ঋণের ডরেই চোখে ঝাপসা দেখিয়া বুকের যন্ত্রণায় ঈষৎ কাঁপিয়া উঠিয়া উঠানে বিছানো ধূসর রঙের ফরাশের উপর ঢলিয়া পড়িলেন।.
ঊনিশে কার্তিক রাত্র সাড়ে আট ঘটিকায় ভৈরবনিবাসী ব্যাংকের ক্ষুদ্র ঋণগ্রস্ত অভাবী দুঃস্থ পৌঢ় কৃষক এজাজ মিঞা হাতের কাছে ঔষধ থাকিতেও ঐ ঋণের ডরেই চোখে ঝাপসা দেখিয়া বুকের যন্ত্রণায় ঈষৎ কাঁপিয়া উঠিয়া উঠানে বিছানো ধূসর রঙের ফরাশের উপর ঢলিয়া পড়িলেন।.

Dean Hay - Types of Robotic Arms

[English] 1 week, 6 days by leopold_brown

There are six types of robotic arms. The cartesian robot works on three linear axis. The SCARA has two arms that unfold and a vertical piston. An articulated robot is the kind everyone is used to seeing in a factory. A cylindrical robot is a post with an arm that spins and extends. The polar robot has an extending arm in a socket. And last is the delta robot which looks like an insect and is hard to describe.
There are six types of robotic arms. The cartesian robot works on three linear axes. The SCARA has two arms that unfold and a vertical piston. An articulated robot is the kind everyone is used to seeing in a factory. A cylindrical robot is a post with an arm that spins and extends. The polar robot has an extending arm in a socket. And last is the delta robot which looks like an insect and is hard to describe.