did procrastinate really have a "cra" in it? - jamessss

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mediumwaffle1
To be completely honest with you, I go to this site anytime I feel the urge to procrastinate. I feel like I'm doing something productive because I'm typing something, but I'm not doing anything at all; just wasting precious time I could be using to work on my assignment. Oh well. I can just do it tomorrow.

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marchtoglory 118.48 92.5%
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mgraham 84.88 93.3%
luca7 46.26 91.9%
marchtoglory 118.48 92.5%
noasky 88.90 95.6%
lcous 36.11 94.8%
lehcarn64 84.55 94.5%