Vienna - Billy Joel - hannahg

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย hannahgustin
Too bad, but it's the life you lead. You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need. Though you can see when you're wrong, you know you can't always see when you're right.


4.6 out of 5 based on 9 ratings.



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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
user871724 202.73 100%
hololivefan 182.11 100%
berryberryberry 169.64 98.4%
user491757 168.01 100%
user627603 157.24 96.3%
fiddledy_rick 155.72 100%
venerated 154.14 99.5%
user381085 153.56 97.3%
user975182 151.42 98.4%
marib 150.82 98.9%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
falsesu 89.35 100%
marib 150.82 98.9%
realfaker 56.25 99.5%
frostmore52 135.53 94.8%
hamanoririri 91.00 99.5%
punst3r7 77.49 97.3%
user957906 19.13 93.3%
ivoryrose13 64.51 92.0%