jaden hanks

This quote was added by jadenhanks9
This is my favorite quote from my favorite movie: For you and you only shall be the one to capture it. Hopefully you will, maybe you won't, but come back alive, please.

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Name WPM Accuracy
jan_londen 107.63 98.8%
lardinrukinov 90.35 96%
danbi 88.76 98.2%
hmyerscoomer 60.11 89.4%
ph3ncyclidine 59.91 98.2%
12bucklemyshoe 52.35 91.8%
fiona126 45.62 90.4%
user763921 37.22 92.8%
steventhura 34.92 98.2%
user52259 27.79 85.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
danbi 88.76 98.2%
hmyerscoomer 60.11 89.4%
chaparro777 14.11 66.2%
lardinrukinov 90.35 96%
user763921 37.22 92.8%
user52259 27.79 85.7%
ray5885 25.02 88.0%
steventhura 34.92 98.2%