love - mansi

This quote was added by user28495
We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not randomly chosen. They all have a meaning. Doctor Love knew this, so he made another great invention just for the lonely you!

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malevolarky 10 years, 6 months ago

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
2001or2 147.93 94.6%
rezai 134.68 98.0%
user40709 117.44 99.5%
lily21299 110.65 100%
lkorth 108.02 99.5%
agndesigns 106.90 99.0%
storm_in_a_teacup 106.60 97.9%
cdhshaolin 105.84 100%
jhaller27 105.29 100%

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2001or2 145.20 94.1%
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sqroot 90.35 96.0%
lily21299 110.65 100%
jessicadr818 82.08 94.1%
lokeshgovindu 87.72 95.1%