Hinata Shoyo

This quote was added by klaskeeee
There's no guarantee that the weapon that worked first will continue working until the end. I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep going. My greatest weapon is not getting caught!

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 187.01 96.4%
practicebutt69 165.33 100%
69buttpractice 162.91 100%
user401321 162.26 100%
suikacider 157.98 96.4%
shariqueahmer 155.71 96.4%
bunniexo 154.91 93.9%
keyherohero 150.33 96.9%
name_999 150.14 100%
user64764 150.06 97.9%

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user76262 52.19 92.6%
donoshea 76.45 91.2%
user57451 76.68 95.4%
hannahscoffee 96.84 98.9%