Friends - somebody

This quote ले थपिएको छ living_pearl
When it seems like there's no one left to run to in this empty world you can come to me. I'll be your shooting star. You can tell me your dreams. I can't promise to make them come true, but I'll be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart if your dreams happen to fall through.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

यो उद्धारणलाई मूल्यांकन गर्नुहोस्:
3.3 out of 5 based on 27 ratings.

पाठ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

लेखक र शीर्षक सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

(Changes are manually reviewed)

वा केवल कमेन्ट छोड्नुहोस्:

dvorakdan 7 वर्षहरु,12 महिनाहरु अगाडि
I think you left out the line about always being stuck in second gear. (clapclapclapclap)

आफ्नो कौशलहरू परीक्षण गर्नुहोस्, यो लिनुहोस् टाइपिङ टेष्ट.

Score (WPM) यस उद्धारणका लागि वितरण. थप.

यसका लागि सर्वोत्तम अंकहरू typing test

नाम WPM सट्टाई
eventlogging 170.00 100%
feuv 141.90 97.3%
ilovejujubee 131.14 98.6%
grid 129.23 99.3%
subsetdht 128.74 98.6%
gray 128.38 98.2%
bb__ 128.25 97.9%
corey 127.77 98.6%
munchkinbug 124.73 99.3%
majordomo 124.69 98.3%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
user104405 84.30 95.3%
tsquared76 81.45 97.9%
user90997 102.44 92.5%
user104405 94.21 98.6%
fueledbypanda 88.13 95.6%
jacqueline1234 102.78 92.8%
artyne 74.37 94.7%
feuv 141.90 97.3%