typing speed test wpm

Bernard Shaw

This typing speed test wpm a été ajouté par tpurch
Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. That is what it is for. Spend all you have before you die; do not outlive yourself.

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Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

Score (MPM) distribution pour cette citation. Plus.

Meilleurs scores pour typing speed test wpm

Nom MPM Précision
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user491757 151.49 98.6%
ilovejujubee 149.82 100%
andrbroo1 145.14 100%
dvorakptreg 144.53 100%
strikeemblem 142.04 100%
ivyswagdistrict 141.24 99.3%
vmlm 140.14 100%
dennisdrew 139.72 99.3%
carlosgonzales 139.02 100%

Récemment pour typing speed test wpm

Nom MPM Précision
thecrazydane2 59.91 88.5%
bellasmom 88.57 96.5%
nyang 32.01 80.4%
sarynbek 78.66 92.6%
kobo 72.44 90.7%
payal_o4 54.39 87.8%
ryno4117 80.81 87.9%
user491757 151.49 98.6%