Community - Jeff Winger

This quote was added by aliestabrooks
I think we've evolved beyond reliance on a group at all. Aren't we just actual friends now no matter where we are. You know what's magic about this table? It magically keeps our books from falling on the floor. The table's for studying, but as friends we've evolved. And let us use that first breath of crisp, new, super-evolved air to declare proudly and in one voice: Pierce! We'll see ya when we'll see ya.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
localbisexual 106.51 95.8%
jacqueline1234 100.76 96.5%
ephemeralwildflower 88.38 94.2%
bweeta 83.53 91.3%
abbyjooones 74.58 97.1%
slaughtermelon 72.23 96.9%
yoko 68.16 89.3%
maheem 61.29 97.4%
user99861 56.73 96.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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merscadag 52.43 91.3%
princygtm 35.34 96.0%
buno 32.87 96.5%