Buckin Horse Moon - Tom Russel

This quote was added by jac10
Sweet bird of youth, no easy keeper, gone with the seasons all too soon. Beneath Montana's blue roan skies, Nevada starlight, and a buckin horse moon.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 140.09 100%
ilovejujubee 126.17 100%
drtampa 125.75 100%
cookiie 115.33 98.7%
jaesynn 112.59 100%
poosay 109.29 99.3%
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prodigy5723 106.26 99.3%
ekangas81 105.20 100%

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jhudss 27.20 96.2%
user100437 51.43 94.9%
ozymandias037 75.48 94.3%