Sola - Kanon

This quote was added by include_me
I love the sky because this vast sky is connected to everything: to people, to oceans, to cities, and to the night. The night sky lies on the other side. It's a sky that's connected just like this one.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
sammich 148.47 99.0%
joshuatheprogrammer 139.63 95.3%
analord 139.01 99.0%
ocean.side 136.55 100%
ilovejujubee 133.43 98.0%
afbwelter 128.13 96.3%
2001or2 127.26 91.0%
rhoerner 125.82 99.0%
jmich052 124.64 100%

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tokaisuki 57.57 92.2%
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user930022 46.68 93.9%
engl3king06 79.47 93.5%
beckycudecki 56.76 95.7%
tannlege 77.56 93.1%
tannlege 81.59 91.4%