Hole in the Bottom of My Brain - -AJR-

This quote was added by yoko
Now, there's coke on the nose of a bro I don't know, in a showroom of clothes that were fancily sewn, in a town that I loathe on a coast that gets stoked, on the thing made of gold in a home that I own, from a song that I wrote about likes and "hello"s, on a post on my phone of a party I throw, but I know I'm alone, no, I know I'm alone, in the hole in the bottom of my brain.

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jacqueline1234 87.03 94.7%
yoko 86.93 93.1%
rrapattoni 86.48 95.2%
m_murasaki 84.48 98.4%
slaughtermelon 75.37 95.0%
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judeamr 60.38 97.4%
js88 58.95 95.0%
suziecue 57.87 95.0%
user534512 53.97 99.2%

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Name WPM Accuracy
yoko 79.38 90.5%
slaughtermelon 75.37 95.0%
ladytzyion 35.38 90.9%
yoko 72.40 88.1%
user534512 53.97 99.2%
user90752 72.68 96.9%
judeamr 60.38 97.4%
js88 49.16 93.3%