Special - anonymous

This quote was added by amy-marie-francis1999
You are so special to me. Whenever I see you smile, I smile too. Your eyes are breathtaking, so deep and so bright. As they stare into mine I notice the pure beauty that they reflect. Nothing on earth could compare to your embrace; one that's so tight and gentle, but yet safe and protecting. You can make the dullest of the day bright and radiant and you can make the happiest of the day even happier. I love you!

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
wilco 140.37 99.0%
lytewerk 136.81 97.6%
theplcplcplc 129.31 98.8%
ilovejujubee 128.63 99.3%
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teilodv 116.29 96.3%
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