Hurricane Festival - My Chemical Romace

This quote was added by steph1028
No matter where you come from - there's nothing wrong with where you come from - but no matter where you come from, there's nothing wrong with running and never looking back. So never stop running.

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user871724 182.24 97.1%
user491757 158.01 100%
seantype2510 145.66 100%
hackertyper492 143.70 96.6%
user99951 143.06 97.0%
user891679 131.18 98.0%
user559721 129.55 99.2%
user381085 121.20 93.5%
j404 117.48 98.5%
jacquelinej 115.98 94.3%

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mikethegreat13 75.61 100%
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geageorgia 89.51 96.1%
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memory_allocation 94.65 97.0%
deeray42 64.18 91.2%
user107089 44.00 93.8%