The Person You Are - H. G. Wells

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Sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you want to be. The person you are.

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user439451 219.27 100%
fant0m 209.33 100%
user871724 200.56 100%
user491757 187.94 100%
user381085 176.74 100%
typing_god11111 167.16 100%
promethes 155.15 100%
afminto 154.44 100%
charless 153.99 100%
user975182 152.61 96.9%

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kobo 84.51 93.3%
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maheem 71.54 96.3%
vivianli 50.52 100%
user107597 38.23 98.7%
user871724 178.24 98.1%
mj124567 45.92 91.2%