easy peasy - Jen23

This quote was added by jen23
Nothing today will matter in the long run, unless of course you are making major life changing decisions today, then maybe. If not then chalk it up to being Friday and have a great weekend.

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strikeemblem 124.93 95.0%
dcb87 124.24 97.4%
rivendellis 121.98 95.9%
user97523 97.11 95.9%
shyhamhalder 96.35 95.0%
resutaaa 90.42 97.4%
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user105008 85.83 99.5%
wanna_be_typist 85.61 95.0%
soymilk00 83.91 99.0%

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baboom 64.01 88.0%
soymilk00 83.91 99.0%
dcb87 124.24 97.4%