Warm Regards - Penelope Scott - Penelope Scott

This quote was added by evanabananahanana
It doesn't really matter, 'cause I don't want to go, to college or to heaven or anywhere alone. Nothing really matters from my point of view sitting here, and watching unfold with you.

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user491757 140.59 98.4%
dcb87 129.65 100%
rivendellis 129.03 97.4%
agtrice 99.70 98.4%
thedigitalallo 99.32 95.8%
user828068 90.91 92.9%
luky 90.49 96.4%
user102525 86.27 96.3%
faillogic 85.25 92%
user99057 84.61 91.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 129.65 100%
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agtrice 99.70 98.4%
user102525 86.27 96.3%
bubaduck 31.28 91.2%
slaughtermelon 83.72 100%
user746708 44.01 94.8%