What the mushroom said - Tumblr user personsonable

This quote was added by fartchili
Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.

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berryberryberry 165.12 99.4%
penguino_beano 160.59 100%
user871724 159.44 97.1%
69buttpractice 157.87 100%
poop 143.33 97.7%
kurrai 142.52 98.8%
jiggalee 140.30 93.3%
venerated 134.66 97.1%
user491757 134.42 96.5%
2001or2 134.11 94.3%

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9vvvvv 51.15 94.9%
strikeemblem 124.32 97.1%
theprivateeye 118.79 93.8%