rain - jack stauber

This quote was added by beepboopbleep
See, the rain is nice, but I don't really like getting wet. Wait, what in the world? No, I went under the awning. Why is it still raining? That's not fair...

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jasmine004 2 years, 8 months ago

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Name WPM Accuracy
berryberryberry 173.77 100%
johnymaccarroni 166.14 100%
user871724 164.13 98.7%
restspeaker 156.58 100%
junkbaby 150.64 100%
user491757 150.14 100%
user697099 144.89 96.9%
marib 143.35 98.7%
km172123 143.14 100%
vmlm 140.34 100%

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mike7lap 33.49 97.5%
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user957906 38.66 96.9%
blackberry123 59.11 95.2%
user871724 157.22 98.7%
user85658 71.43 95.2%