Tere Liye

This quote was added by audiputra_
Bahwa hidup harus menerima, penerimaan yang indah. Bahwa hidup harus dimengerti, pengertian yang benar. Bahwa hidup harus memahami pemahaman yang tulus.

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Name WPM Accuracy
qiww 124.14 100%
jendbibir 117.18 100%
shiro_isan 108.42 96.2%
riversprite 105.97 99.3%
ned1230noskip 105.54 93.3%
gmss 98.39 98.7%
rsaptoh 94.64 98.7%
ayamredox 94.48 95%
hikrar14 93.71 96.8%
user807623 93.06 98.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user730610 63.27 95%
user730610 67.41 97.4%
user730610 66.54 97.4%
fixer_fix 51.75 94.4%
fixer_fix 53.05 94.4%
fixer_fix 44.83 92.7%
fixer_fix 59.82 93.9%
fixer_fix 42.87 86.4%