Dera Mochimazzi - Tamako Market

This quote was added by bigbrainman420
Even if your feelings or wishes do not come true, or if things don't go as you planned... on another road grows another flower. A new flower blooms there.

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firefingers1992 183.26 100%
berryberryberry 172.15 98.1%
user939249 167.07 100%
user871724 166.71 100%
humeunculus 164.47 100%
penguino_beano 159.82 98.1%
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hemo7 153.91 100%
practicebutt69 153.08 98.7%
h7all 152.22 100%

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kcarpenter1984 66.06 98.1%
kris10 56.60 95.1%
466454 44.48 98.1%