Amy Li

This quote was added by liaiqing
Never stop dreaming because it is dreams that let you fly. Never stop believing because it is belief that keeps you up. Life is quite simple, it is just not easy. Never be afraid to live because everyone dies, but not everyone lives.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 140.65 99.1%
corey 139.52 100%
lytewerk 139.48 95.1%
nightdevil 134.57 98.3%
bennyhung 134.51 99.1%
drtampa 129.57 99.1%
ilovejujubee 125.01 98.3%
jaesynn 124.94 98.7%
munchkinbug 124.77 99.6%

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user104405 83.54 97.1%
mr_dub 77.36 95.9%
user692240 65.40 87.9%