The Manager

This quote was added by catrice
Of course the customer is always right. However, you are no longer a customer. This establishment must uphold its standards, and you have spoken rudely to our staff.

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user871724 167.91 95.4%
penguino_beano 158.46 100%
berryberryberry 154.05 97.1%
hackertyper492 153.67 98.2%
user491757 146.86 98.2%
gbzaid 146.60 97.1%
toinfinity 146.60 97.6%
h7surface 143.35 100%
tang 141.62 98.8%
user939249 140.68 98.8%

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user534512 45.54 91.7%
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thecrazydane2 68.31 91.7%
shaikkamarul 76.98 94.8%
gordonlew 97.33 94.4%