
This quote was added by tootsieroll
You have to know the difference between a regime, a regimen, and a regiment. You probably don't have a skin care regime. You don't have an exercise regiment.

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greenkat006 1 year ago
This makes me inordinately happy! The malapropism of regime/regimen/regiment is one of my biggest grammatical pet peeves! <3

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fant0m 174.03 100%
user871724 165.51 87.2%
betterthanthis 152.29 100%
69buttpractice 151.85 100%
hackertyper492 148.56 98.7%
user491757 148.55 100%
toinfinity 146.44 100%
alexnguyen11 145.58 100%
user939249 144.55 100%
km172123 136.27 100%

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blackman 55.70 94.6%
engl3king06 68.04 90.2%
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