Self quote - Aravind

This quote was added by aravind_b
Life is like a journey in a desert. Make it precious. "Nothing to worry, nothing to hurry, nothing will put you in curry. Just live your valuable life happily."

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
fuzz 135.36 98.8%
kyle_w 116.16 97.0%
synaptic 112.02 100%
jacqueline1234 107.44 97.6%
user747444 107.42 99.4%
donoshea 106.72 100%
sokend 105.67 98.8%
riversprite 105.04 99.4%
2001or2 104.08 84.7%

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engl3king06 64.57 89.9%
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