The one you will like - SADELIC

This quote was added by dorey
I know you guys are just speeding right now just to finish this quote because it is so short but remember this: it's not about speed, it's about accuracy.

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divine_. 3 years, 11 months ago
okay? i don't really care, but okay go ahead and make this quote. i like longer quotes that have actual meaning unlike something like this, but go on.

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Name WPM Accuracy
harrypotter_hermione 147.41 100%
vmlm 145.33 100%
liluglymane 131.97 98.7%
user425222 126.03 98.7%
vanilla 125.44 98.1%
uncleron 124.91 96.8%
strikeemblem 124.42 98.7%
jiayewilliamwang 121.05 98.7%
typist_type 119.30 100%
penguino_beano 119.16 98.1%

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user569842 25.86 91.1%
tengugod 61.54 91.2%
williambilliam 84.00 96.3%
user89666 26.87 85.2%