Life is Like a Tray of Fruits - Lucky Forrest

This quote was added by user401321
Life is like a tray of fruits. Some fruits are sour, others are sweet. Some fruits are ripe, and other fruits are rotten. Never expect the best out of what you get.

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Name WPM Accuracy
initializesahib 213.89 100%
user871724 188.33 99.4%
hololivefan 164.42 100%
restspeaker 159.93 100%
user975182 159.12 100%
practicebutt69 158.44 100%
69buttpractice 157.06 99.4%
rezai 153.47 100%
h7all 153.18 100%
penguino_beano 152.09 100%

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user781461 73.36 94.8%
5unfl0w3r5 78.61 93.7%
user871724 188.33 99.4%
user107526 41.21 97.1%