Terry Pratchett

This quote was added by user263053
Dentro de cada persona cuerda hay un loco que lucha por salir. Eso es lo que siempre he pensado. Nadie se vuelve loco más rápido que una persona totalmente cuerda.

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mafita 167.88 97.1%
yogurt 155.48 94.8%
miyakejima 151.18 97.6%
hitman. 148.62 98.2%
user535474 133.24 100%
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juanchon 128.63 100%
lucasbrizuela7 127.83 96.4%
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user837462 124.80 99.4%

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user264101 86.13 94.8%
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user264101 100.62 96.4%