Role Model - Life Skills

This quote was added by nk47
One way of becoming the kind of person you want to be is finding a role model. A role model is someone that you look up to. You admire them and you want to be like them. They are an inspiration for you.

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johnymaccarroni 187.65 100%
bunniexo 178.01 96.2%
hololivefan 159.68 100%
alliekarakosta 158.88 100%
ejh1109 155.76 97.6%
user77961 155.63 95.8%
user871724 155.26 97.6%
venerated 153.30 98.1%
user939249 150.49 96.7%
alex_orr 149.84 98.5%

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soupqueen16 116.12 100%
willowthewitch 96.71 99.5%
meganlocke 60.29 98.1%
interventizio 95.13 99.5%