Derek Hough - Lex B.

This quote was added by user674439
Put your right hand on your heart. I want you to feel your heartbeat. Now, we didn't earn that. It was given to us. It was a gift, and it's our job to enjoy that gift, to enjoy this life.

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weesin 5 years, 1 month ago
Are these song lyrics? If so, they're not allowed on this site. Also, 'put your hand on heart' doesn't make sense

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hololivefan 178.92 100%
user871724 169.33 100%
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venerated 166.68 100%
suikacider 163.14 98.9%
highhonedjazzyaudio 159.08 96.9%
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69buttpractice 153.10 98.9%
hackertyper492 149.44 96.9%

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hhyx 89.93 88.6%
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maadj 73.93 93.0%