Character Vs. Reputation - John Wooden

This quote was added by user835614
Be more concerned with your character rather than your reputation. Because your character is who you truly are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

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weesin 5 years, 2 months ago
You should remove the word 'rather' from the first sentence as it's neither necessary nor can is it found in the original quote. Also, you have typed the word 'you' in the first sentence when you should have typed 'your'

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iltranscendent 122.48 97.1%
user913655 116.69 100%
heiga 113.73 96.6%
jacqueline1234 112.43 96.6%
tjapit 108.92 98.8%
shawnsmith91 103.51 96.6%
user83344 91.21 96.6%
faillogic 85.82 91.9%
user85658 84.57 97.1%
antdepac 80.24 97.1%

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maheem 77.43 98.3%
joseimperial 62.62 94.4%
user83344 91.21 96.6%