Double Rainbow - Lux - - League of Legends

This quote was added by rightclickman
Double rainbow... what does it mean? Well, a double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere. Does that explain it?

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kiriiya 3 years, 1 month ago

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gian 141.57 100%
alextest11 141.57 99.5%
user64764 141.18 95.8%
69buttpractice 137.89 98.6%
user37933 137.12 98.1%
techintosh12 136.95 99.5%
hippogriffo 136.26 97.6%
treemeister 132.04 96.3%
quinoa 130.80 99.0%
gbzaid 128.66 98.1%

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manogna 73.49 95.0%
engl3king06 70.55 99.0%
kris10 57.47 98.6%