John Ringo

This quote was added by notacatstudio
I am Prince Roger Ramius Sergei Alexander Chiang McClintock, Heir Tertiary to the Empire of Man, and currently in charge of this band of cutthroats. You look like you'll fit right in.

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strikeemblem 89.68 98.9%
dante-didit 80.31 94.8%
kehe4 69.01 92.4%
m_murasaki 67.85 93.4%
user462452 66.06 95.3%
donoshea 62.92 87.6%
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freedomdazzles 61.43 92.9%
ninerdelta 60.04 94.8%

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user105447 41.53 94.8%
donoshea 62.92 87.6%
ninerdelta 60.04 94.8%