Streams of Silver - R.A. Salvatore

This quote was added by thekittyarchitect
Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual.

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user37933 154.70 100%
ze_or 141.71 100%
hunterz1200 136.28 95.5%
rezai 134.91 100%
treemeister 131.22 98.3%
zhengfeilong 130.07 97.2%
user74975 129.65 97.7%
mothertrucker 126.28 99.4%
zararule 126.01 98.8%
sil 125.74 100%

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nostripezebra 81.10 95%
jesshun 52.12 91.4%
user218470 59.80 92.4%