Test Quote for beginners. - unknown

This quote was added by angelbot
This quote will and shall test the ability in which you type. Notice how the some words make you type slower, and some indefinitely make you press the wrong button and have you press backspace. Hopefully you don't make these mistakes in the future. You learn from your mistakes, kid.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
thorgott2 157.09 99.0%
rivendellis 142.50 99.3%
mrsjsmiley 126.02 95.9%
cory_the_key_commander 112.48 97.6%
omnipride 111.74 96.6%
hyundo 111.23 99.6%
tesla6627 108.99 97.6%
josie.puelz 107.27 99.3%
roberbb 105.69 97.6%
kraft 105.59 95.6%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
mechazawa 66.69 96.3%
mike7lap 35.26 98.3%
user94620 66.58 99.6%
kmeans 58.88 95.6%
dedipyan 46.15 94.0%
ftf1121 80.09 97.3%
user650008 37.08 91.3%
rupessh77 57.72 97.6%