light - David Beavers

This quote was added by fly_navy
Light can wash away darkness, sadness, shadows, and tears. It brings life and new beginnings in its arms, it stops bad dreams and starts everything. Light is life.

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ze_or 149.44 97.6%
glevion 146.34 100%
throwawei 146.09 100%
user871724 141.75 97.6%
dweather 138.98 97.0%
stormspirit97 138.78 98.2%
gracekosten 136.78 95.3%
8bitsky 136.33 98.8%
user37933 135.82 97.0%
mothertrucker 134.79 99.4%

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user768005 63.35 97.1%
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user105008 72.90 97.6%