
This quote was added by gamely
People judge me, but deep down inside you and I are who we are and at the end of the day no one can change that about us, that is the only reason we humans are so unique.

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weesin 5 years, 7 months ago
This quote is terrible. Looks like it was written by a child.

Doesn't anyone know how to use punctuation properly anymore?

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Name WPM Accuracy
wolfram 162.15 95.0%
stormspirit97 159.40 97.7%
nutmuffen 155.57 100%
sammy123k 154.38 98.8%
cosmicmagic 152.76 100%
dweather 148.95 96.6%
peggyrwa 148.35 99.4%
missarkansas 146.54 97.1%
mustelidae 142.55 100%
zhengfeilong 141.83 96.6%

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ozymandias037 100.50 95.0%
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bweeta 90.34 93.9%
coco2020 104.02 91.9%
user103663 100.58 100%
sitesh01 80.00 96.0%
shiv__o4 11.51 89.5%
slamuel 97.10 92.5%