Life - Brittany Amber

This quote was added by brittnoose
Life is a gift and we are all dealing with what we are dealt. Everyone has a different story to tell; we may all inhabit the same planet, but our worlds are not the same.

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avir 148.96 100%
lytewerk 143.97 99.4%
haddadios 142.95 100%
user263163 142.61 95.5%
vintoshinsid 142.51 97.7%
jpadtyping 141.75 99.4%
chrisjin 141.63 97.7%
turtletoes 137.44 99.4%
user40438 136.51 100%
jeff9811 136.45 96.0%

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hhyx 110.33 92.4%
user292247 58.24 98.8%
wanna_be_typist 80.22 100%
user85368 102.98 98.3%